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                Product Spec:
                Highest integration ●   The world's first NB-IoT SoC with integrated CMOS PA
                Ultra low power consumption ●   PSM (Power Saving Mode) current <1 microamperes, receiver state current about 20 mA 
                More flexibility ●   SDR architecture is adopted to flexibly support the optimization of effective physical layer receiver algorithms.
                Packaging ●   QFN52 6mm*6mm
                Full band support ●   690-960MHz,1.71-2.2GHz
                Support 3GPP standards ●   R13,R14
                Support different power modes ●   Deep sleep, normal sleep, standby, low power mode 
                Integrated multiple peripheral interfaces ●   Uart, I2C, SPI, uSim, GPIO, etc.
                Range of working temperature ●   -40℃~+85℃

                | Contact us
                XINYI Information Technology Ltd

                Ste 212,9 Liangxiu RD,Pudong

