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                Job Description: 
                1. Responsible for managing the relationship between Xinyi and customers by establishing and cultivating relationships
                2. Develop a clear understanding of Xinyi’s business practices including pricing, forecasting, T/Cs, Distribution and Business Code of Ethics 
                3. Develop relationships with sales channels and engage resources in support of customers
                4. Manage relationships between Xinyi and customers by establishing relationships with key individuals
                5. Identify and develop new opportunities. Ensure that goals are consistent with our strategic direction of:
                (1) maximizing the business over the short and long term and
                (2) increasing the preference for Xinyi’s products
                6. Responsible for meeting or exceeding assigned annual quotas and design win quotas in conjunction with the technical sales team
                7. Communicate strategies to appropriate marketing and R&D to obtain required support and coordination 
                8. Understand competitor's strengths and weaknesses relative to the appropriate technical strategy
                1. IoT, communication or semiconductor background plus
                2. Sales and Marketing Skills are required
                3. Bachelors/Maters Degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or related; MBA preferred
                4. Minimum of years of relevant sales/marketing experience: >=5 years 
                5. Fluency in English and Mandarin is a must 
                6. Be available to travel
                Date of birth:
                Highest education:
                Graduate institutions:
                Expected workplace:
                Upload resume:*
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                | Contact us
                XINYI Information Technology Ltd

                Ste 212,9 Liangxiu RD,Pudong

