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              1. <blockquote id='IRVORQ'><q id='IRVORQ'><noscript id='IRVORQ'></noscript><dt id='IRVORQ'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='IRVORQ'><i id='IRVORQ'></i>
                ● Financial Officer
                Job description:
                1. Fully responsible for the company's financial management work, reviewing the company's various expenses, audit vouchers, monthly and annual checkout and other daily work
                2. Responsible for tax return, annual audit, settlement and payment, statistical statements
                3. Responsible for coordinating relations with government departments such as taxation, industry and commerce, and banking
                4. Responsible for financial related work in project declaration
                5. Cooperate with the administrative department to handle part of the administrative work
                6. Other matters for completing leadership arrangements
                1. Bachelor degree, finance major, 5 years of accounting work experience, intermediate accountant qualification certificate priority, chip industry background priority
                2. Skilled in using financial software, EXCEL forms, WORD documents, etc.
                3. Have solid professional theoretical knowledge and good financial analysis skills
                4. Have good conduct and learning ability, and have independent working ability
                5. Have good communication skills, meticulous work and strong sense of responsibility
                ● Chip operations manager
                Job responsibilities:
                1. Responsible for the production, packaging and testing of chip products, selecting and maintaining production, packaging and testing suppliers
                2. Responsible for the production, packaging and testing of the product to ensure the delivery of the product on time;
                3. Responsible for the monitoring and improvement of product yield, coordinate research and development, suppliers and other related resources to implement process improvement to ensure product quality
                4. Responsible for controlling the production, packaging and testing costs of the product
                Job Requirements:
                1. Bachelor degree or above, major in communication, electronic engineering, computer or microelectronics; more than 8 years working experience
                2. Has more than 5 years of relevant work experience in the chip industry
                3. Familiar with knowledge of process, packaging, testing, etc.
                4. Have good communication skills and analytical skills; work meticulously and with strong sense of responsibility
                | Contact us
                XINYI Information Technology Ltd

                Ste 408,Y1 112 Liangxiu RD,Pudong

